
Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Pretty ting a ling

I received a pretty little parcel in the post this morning, silly me had forgotten I had ordered it so it was a lovely surprise.

I saw on other peoples blog posts that Love Suzie was closing down so I thought I would go have a nose at  the jewellery. Its such a shame they are closing, they have some lovely stuff, I could quite easily of bought it all if it wasn't for the lack of a job at the momento.

In the end I settled for a scrabble ring and the necklace named 'Ellie', it had to be done. The package was so cute and wrapped up so well I didn't want to open at first. There was also a business card enclosed with a personal note written on the back. Personal touches like that are a seller to me, I love them. Very happy with both items, currently rocking the ring :)

Anybody know of any more jewellery shops alike to Love Suzie!? I love having a browse and a cheeky purchase.

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Confessions Of A Makeupaholic said...

There's some lovely bits on here -

Leanne Cornelius said...

Yay you got your goodies, the necklace looks fab! x

jordynmarie_25 said...

Hey El, I am awarding you with the Stylish Blogger Award, for more details read about it on my blog:

Sophie Isobel said...

Love the elephant necklace! Mega cute.

El said...

Thank you girlies. I have worn the elephant necklace pretty much since I received it :)

Thank you also for the Award :)

x x