
Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Valentines day x

Happy belated Valentines Day!! Much loves ..

After doing my daily nosey through blogs and twitter, I have come across MANY of the lovely valentines happenings. There are lots of much loved people out there :) Hope you all had a splendid day with your loved ones, friends or even just a nice quiet evening on your own. That was what my eve consisted of.. Powerpoint all day at work (what an extremely dull programme it is!!) and then cups of tea, hot water bottle and TV to keep me company in the evening. You see, the boy lives back in Oxfordshire so couldn't be here :( but I did get to spend a lovely weekend with him beforehand.

He treated me to Nandos, I am obsessed with the peri peri goodness, its becoming a weekly thing. We also went to the cinema to see the new Adam Sandler film, which I loved! Any film with Mr Sandler in has got my vote. The film was filled with many goofy laughs on my part, much to the boys amusement, and then we went for a few drinks around a couple of bars in Nottingham.. lovely lovely evening :) I also received some pretty perfume.. the new Jimmy Choo.. Its so yummy!! I can't stop smelling myself its that good :) I definitely recommend it!
Work has been ULTRA boring this week thus far...which is baddddd, as it leads to internet shopping :-S I managed to restrict myself to just a few items getting better. I managed to find a lovely clutch from Aldo, which has already arrived :) a clutch from River Island and a jacket from All Saints. I liked the jacket as I thought it would be good for the summer. I'm good at persuading myself to buy :)

Right I'm off to catch up on Gossip Girl before gym time..

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BECKY MAY said...

Lovely blog! Sounds like you had a fun valentines! That perfume is lush!

The Flower Girl

El said...

Thank you sweetie :) I cant get enough of the perfume haha. Hope you had a lovely V day. Will check your blog out. x